Abrir Conjugation in Spanish
The verb "abrir" in Spanish means "to open". Classified as an irregular verb, it is one of the 100 most frequently used verbs in Spanish. Below, we explore its conjugation across 18 key tenses.
The verb "abrir" in Spanish means "to open". Classified as an irregular verb, it is one of the 100 most frequently used verbs in Spanish. Below, we explore its conjugation across 18 key tenses.
The verb "absorber" in Spanish translates to "to absorb" in English and is a regular verb ending in -ER. Below, we will explore its conjugation through the major indicative tenses, helping you understand its use in different scenarios.
"Aburrir" is the Spanish verb that translates to "to bore" in English. It belongs to the group of regular IR verbs. Below you will find the conjugations for "aburrir" across the 18 primary Spanish tenses!
Acabar is an essential Spanish verb meaning "to finish, to end, to complete." Classified as a regular AR verb, it ranks among the top 100 Spanish verbs. Explore its conjugation across 18 major Spanish tenses in the sections below.
The verb "acelerar" in Spanish translates to "to accelerate" in English, and it follows the regular AR verb conjugation pattern. Below, discover how "acelerar" is conjugated in the 18 essential tenses of Spanish!
The verb "aceptar" means "to accept" in Spanish. As one of the common verbs, it belongs to the regular -AR verb group. Below, you will find how to conjugate "aceptar" in 18 key Spanish tenses.
"Acercar" is the Spanish verb that means "to bring closer." This is an irregular verb with unique conjugations in the various tenses. Below you will find how it is conjugated in the 18 major Spanish tenses.
The indicative present tense is used to describe actions that are currently happening or habitual actions. Here we use the verb "acercarse" to indicate such ongoing events.
The Spanish verb 'acompañar' means "to accompany" and it's a regular verb of the AR conjugation group. Explore below to learn its conjugations across the 18 crucial Spanish tenses.
The verb "aconsejar" in Spanish means "to advise, to suggest, to counsel". It is classified as a regular verb that ends in -ar. It follows regular conjugation patterns for -ar verbs. Below, you will find its conjugation across 18 fundamental Spanish tenses. Words with similar meanings to "aconsejar" include: "asesorar", "avisar", "notificar", "sugerir".