· Robert William · Spanish Verbs  · 13 min read

Admitir Conjugation in Spanish

The verb "admitir" in Spanish means "to admit." It follows regular IR verb conjugation patterns. Below, you can explore its conjugation across 18 essential Spanish tenses. You will also find its similarities with verbs like "confesar" and "ingresar."

The verb "admitir" in Spanish means "to admit." It follows regular IR verb conjugation patterns. Below, you can explore its conjugation across 18 essential Spanish tenses. You will also find its similarities with verbs like "confesar" and "ingresar."

An Overview of the Verb “Admitir”

The verb “admitir” in Spanish means “to admit.” It follows regular IR verb conjugation patterns. Below, you can explore its conjugation across 18 essential Spanish tenses. You will also find its similarities with verbs like “confesar” and “ingresar.”

Infinitiveadmitirto admit
Past participleadmitidoadmitted

Conjugation of “Admitir” in the Indicative Tenses

Here’s how to conjugate “admitir” in various indicative tenses in Spanish.

Present Tense Conjugation (El Presente)

The present tense is used to describe current actions or state of being.

yoadmitoI admit
admitesyou admit
él/ellaadmitehe/she admits
nosotrosadmitimoswe admit
vosotrosadmitísyou all admit
ellos/ellasadmitenthey admit


  1. Siempre admito mis errores cuando me equivoco.
  2. María admite que tiene miedo de hablar en público.
  3. Mis amigos siempre admiten cuando están confundidos.

Imperfect Past Tense Conjugation (El Pretérito Imperfecto)

This tense describes actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past.

yoadmitíaI used to admit
admitíasyou used to admit
él/ellaadmitíahe/she used to admit
nosotrosadmitíamoswe used to admit
vosotrosadmitíaisyou all used to admit
ellos/ellasadmitíanthey used to admit


  1. De niño, admitía que no me gustaban las verduras.
  2. Admitías tus errores, pero no cambiabas de actitudes.
  3. En el pasado, ellos admitían estar cansados después del trabajo.

Preterite Past Tense Conjugation (El Pretérito)

Used to denote actions completed at a specific time in the past.

yoadmitíI admitted
admitisteyou admitted
él/ellaadmitióhe/she admitted
nosotrosadmitimoswe admitted
vosotrosadmitisteisyou all admitted
ellos/ellasadmitieronthey admitted


  1. Admití que me había equivocado en la reunión de ayer.
  2. ¿Admitiste tu error ante el profesor?
  3. Los vecinos admitieron haber visto algo sospechoso.

Future Tense Conjugation (El Futuro)

This tense indicates actions that will happen in the future.

yoadmitiréI will admit
admitirásyou will admit
él/ellaadmitiráhe/she will admit
nosotrosadmitiremoswe will admit
vosotrosadmitiréisyou all will admit
ellos/ellasadmitiránthey will admit


  1. Admitiré la verdad cuando esté preparado.
  2. ¿Admitirás tus sentimientos alguna vez?
  3. Ellas admitirán su error cuando lo comprendan mejor.

Conditional Mood Conjugation (El Condicional)

It expresses actions that would occur under certain conditions.

yoadmitiríaI would admit
admitiríasyou would admit
él/ellaadmitiríahe/she would admit
nosotrosadmitiríamoswe would admit
vosotrosadmitiríaisyou all would admit
ellos/ellasadmitiríanthey would admit


  1. Admitiría mi culpa si supiera que fue mi error.
  2. ¿Admitirías que tienes miedo si te lo preguntan?
  3. Ellos admitirían su participación si no hubiera consecuencias.

Note: Please ask if you need details on other tenses such as subjunctive or imperative forms!

Present Tense of “Admitir” in Indicative Mood

The present tense in the indicative mood for “admitir” is utilized when discussing current situations, actions, or assertions that hold true. It can refer to the immediate present or events anticipated to happen soon. For example, “admito” means “I admit.”

YoadmitoI admit
admitesyou admit
Ella / Él / Ustedadmites/he admits, you (formal) admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitimoswe admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitísyou (plural) admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitenthey admit, you (plural formal) admit

Example sentences in Spanish:

  1. “Yo admito que me equivoqué en mi decisión.”
  2. “Ellos admiten que el error fue suyo.”
  3. “Admitimos que necesitamos ayuda para completar el proyecto.”

Admitir in the Indicative Preterite Tense

The Indicative Preterite tense of “admitir” is employed when referring to actions that took place and were completed at a definite time in the past. For instance, “admití,” translates to “I admitted” in English, indicating a completed past action.

In Spanish grammar, this is referred to as “El Pretérito Indefinido.”

YoadmitíI admitted
admitisteyou admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitiós/he admitted, you (formal) admitted
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitimoswe admitted
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitisteisyou (plural) admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitieronthey admitted, you (plural formal) admitted

Example Sentences:

  1. Ayer, admití que había cometido un error.
  2. Después de mucha insistencia, tú admitiste que te gustaba el chocolate.
  3. Finalmente, los estudiantes admitieron que necesitaban más ayuda.

How to Use Admitir in the Imperfect Tense

The Imperfect tense for the verb “admitir” is applied when talking about past actions that were habitual or when describing scenarios in the past. It is equivalent to saying “I used to admit” in English.

Here are three examples demonstrating its use in Spanish:

  1. Cuando era joven, siempre admitía mis errores.
  2. Podías ver en su cara que admitía la verdad.
  3. Ellos admitían sus fallos cada vez que los cometían.

In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Imperfecto”.

YoadmitíaI used to admit
admitíasyou used to admit
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitías/he used to admit, you (formal) used to admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitíamoswe used to admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitíaisyou (plural) used to admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitíanthey used to admit, you (plural formal) used to admit

Present Progressive Conjugation of Admitir

The Present Progressive indicates actions occurring in the present moment and ongoing. Like saying, “I am admitting” in English, the Spanish equivalent would be “estoy admitiendo”.

In Spanish, this tense is called “El Presente Progresivo”.

Yoestoy admitiendoI am admitting
estás admitiendoyou are admitting
Ella / Él / Ustedestá admitiendos/he is admitting, you (formal) are admitting
Nosotras / Nosotrosestamos admitiendowe are admitting
Vosotras / Vosotrosestáis admitiendoyou (plural) are admitting
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesestán admitiendothey are admitting, you (plural formal) are admitting

Examples in Spanish:

  1. Estoy admitiendo que me equivoqué.
  2. Ellos están admitiendo a nuevos estudiantes.
  3. ¿Estás admitiendo que nunca lo intentaste?

Using the Verb “Admitir” in the Indicative Near Future Tense

The Indicative Near Future tense in Spanish, also called “El Futuro Próximo,” is utilized to discuss actions or events that will occur soon. It is similar to saying “I am going to admit” in English.

Here are some examples to demonstrate its usage:

  1. Yo voy a admitir mis errores.
  2. Ellos van a admitir que se equivocaron.
  3. Nosotros vamos a admitir nuestra responsabilidad.
Yovoy a admitirI am going to admit
vas a admitiryou are going to admit
Ella / Él / Ustedva a admitirs/he is going to admit, you (formal) are going to admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosvamos a admitirwe are going to admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosvais a admitiryou (plural) are going to admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesvan a admitirthey are going to admit, you (plural formal) are going to admit

Future Conjugation of “Admitir” in the Indicative Mood

The future tense in the indicative mood is used to describe actions that will take place at a future time. Below are examples and the conjugation for “admitir” in this tense.

YoadmitiréI will admit
admitirásyou will admit
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitirás/he will admit, you (formal) will admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitiremoswe will admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitiréisyou (plural) will admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitiránthey will admit, you (plural formal) will admit


  1. “Admitiré mis errores cuando sea necesario.”
  2. “Ellos admitirán los hechos en la reunión.”
  3. “Nosotros admitiremos a más alumnos el próximo año.”

Introducing the Conditional Indicative for “Admitir”

The Conditional Indicative tense of the verb “admitir” is used to express actions or situations that could potentially occur in the future, often under certain conditions or as possibilities. It helps convey hypothetical scenarios or events that depend on specific circumstances. For instance, “admitiría” translates to “I would admit” in English.

In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Condicional Simple”.

YoadmitiríaI would admit
admitiríasyou would admit
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitirías/he would admit, you (formal) would admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitiríamoswe would admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitiríaisyou (plural) would admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitiríanthey would admit, you (plural formal) would admit

Spanish Usage Examples:

  1. Si tuviera tiempo, admitiría mis errores en la reunión.
  2. Tú admitirías que esa película es excelente, si la vieras.
  3. Ellos admitirían su falta si les presentaras las pruebas claras.

Understanding the Present Perfect of “Admitir” in the Indicative Mood

The Present Perfect tense in the indicative mood for the verb “admitir” is employed when discussing actions that occurred recently and still have relevance to the present. Examples include using “he admitido,” which translates to “I have admitted.”

In Spanish, this tense is known as “El Pretérito Perfecto.”

Yohe admitidoI have admitted
has admitidoyou have admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedha admitidoshe/he has admitted, you (formal) have admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshemos admitidowe have admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshabéis admitidoyou (plural) have admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshan admitidothey have admitted, you (plural formal) have admitted

Additional Examples in Spanish:

  1. Yo he admitido mis errores y quiero aprender de ellos.
  2. Ella ha admitido que necesita más tiempo para terminar.
  3. Nosotros hemos admitido al nuevo estudiante en nuestra clase.

Utilizing the Indicative Past Perfect for ‘Admitir’

When discussing events that took place before another specific moment in the past, the Indicative Past Perfect is employed. For the verb “admitir,” it conveys the meaning “I had admitted,” as in “había admitido.”

In the Spanish language, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto.”

Yohabía admitidoI had admitted
habías admitidoyou had admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedhabía admitidos/he had admitted, you (formal) had admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshabíamos admitidowe had admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshabíais admitidoyou (plural) had admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshabían admitidothey had admitted, you (plural formal) had admitted

Here are a few illustrations of this tense in use:

  1. María me contó que había admitido su error ante el jefe.
  2. Nosotros habíamos admitido la verdad antes de que llegaran los inspectores.
  3. Ellos habían admitido la sorpresa mucho antes de que se revelara el secreto.

Using “Admitir” in the Future Perfect Tense

The “Indicative Future Perfect” for the verb “admitir” is employed to describe actions or events that will have been concluded at some point in the future. It is often used in combination with future reference points. For example: “habré admitido,” translating to “I will have admitted.”

In Spanish, this tense is called “El Futuro Perfecto.”

Subject PronounSpanishEnglish
Yohabré admitidoI will have admitted
habrás admitidoyou will have admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedhabrá admitidos/he will have admitted, you (formal) will have admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshabremos admitidowe will have admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshabréis admitidoyou (plural) will have admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshabrán admitidothey will have admitted, you (plural formal) will have admitted

Examples in Spanish:

  1. Dentro de una semana, ya habré admitido mis errores en el informe.
  2. Para cuando llegues, ellos habrán admitido su participación en el proyecto.
  3. Habremos admitido todas las solicitudes antes del cierre del plazo.

Conditional Perfect Tense for ‘Admitir’ in the Indicative Mood

The Indicative Conditional Perfect tense of “admitir” is used when expressing actions that could have occurred under different circumstances in the past but didn’t due to another event. This tense often reflects unrealized intentions or hypothetical situations. For example, “habría admitido” means “I would have admitted.”

In Spanish, this verb tense is called “El Condicional Perfecto.”

Yohabría admitidoI would have admitted
habrías admitidoyou would have admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedhabría admitidos/he would have admitted, you (formal) would have admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshabríamos admitidowe would have admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshabríais admitidoyou (plural) would have admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshabrían admitidothey would have admitted, you (plural formal) would have admitted

Examples of Usage in Spanish

  1. Si me hubieras llamado, yo te habría admitido en la reunión.
    • If you had called me, I would have admitted you to the meeting.
  2. Ella habría admitido su error, pero se lo impidieron.
    • She would have admitted her mistake, but they prevented her.
  3. Nosotros habríamos admitido el documento si hubiera estado completo.
    • We would have admitted the document if it had been complete.

Subjunctive Present of “Admitir”

The Subjunctive Present is utilized to express uncertainty, doubt, or emotions like wishes and hopes. It is different from the indicative mood, which deals with more certain and factual events. For instance, “admita” translates to “I admit.”

In Spanish, this tense is termed “El Presente de Subjuntivo.”

YoadmitaI admit
admitasyou admit
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitas/he admits, you (formal) admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitamoswe admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitáisyou (plural) admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitanthey admit, you (plural formal) admit

Sample Sentences:

  1. Espero que tú admitas tus errores para que podamos avanzar.
  2. Es importante que nosotros admitamos la verdad, aunque sea difícil.
  3. Dudo que ellos admitan su participación en el proyecto.

Using “Admitir” in the Imperfect Subjunctive

The Imperfect Subjunctive is used to discuss actions or events that are uncertain or hypothetical in the past, or to express feelings or opinions about past actions. Here we explore the verb “admitir” conjugated in this tense. For example, “admitiera” means “I admitted” in an uncertain or hypothetical context.

In Spanish, this tense is known as “El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo”.

Subject PronounSpanishEnglish
YoadmitieraI admitted
admitierasyou admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitieras/he admitted, you (formal) admitted
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitiéramoswe admitted
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitieraisyou (plural) admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitieranthey admitted, you (plural formal) admitted

Examples in Spanish:

  • Si yo admitiera mi error, podría aprender de él.
  • Dudaba que tú admitieras haber cometido la falta.
  • Era probable que ellos admitieran su participación en el proyecto.

Using “Admitir” in the Future Subjunctive

The Future Subjunctive mood in Spanish allows us to discuss scenarios that are uncertain yet conceivable, or to describe events that could potentially occur in the future. Consider the example “admitiere,” which translates to “I will admit.”

In Spanish grammatical terms, this form is referred to as “El Futuro de Subjuntivo.”

YoadmitiereI will admit
admitieresyou will admit
Ella / Él / Ustedadmitieres/he will admit, you (formal) will admit
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitiéremoswe will admit
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitiereisyou (plural) will admit
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitierenthey will admit, you (plural formal) will admit

Examples in Spanish:

  1. Si yo admitiere el error, ¿me perdonarías?
  2. Tú solo ganarás la confianza del equipo si admitieres tus fallos.
  3. Si ellos admitieren su participación, todo será más fácil.

Admitir: Subjunctive Present Perfect Tense

The Subjunctive Present Perfect is utilized in Spanish to talk about past actions linked to the present or to indicate that something might have happened already by a specific time. For example, “haya admitido” translates to “I have admitted.”

In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”

Yohaya admitidoI have admitted
hayas admitidoyou have admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedhaya admitidos/he has admitted, you (formal) have admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshayamos admitidowe have admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshayáis admitidoyou (plural) have admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshayan admitidothey have admitted, you (plural formal) have admitted

Examples in context:

  1. Es posible que yo haya admitido mi error antes de que llegues.
  2. Espero que tú hayas admitido tus sentimientos a tiempo.
  3. Dudo que ellos hayan admitido su responsabilidad en el incidente.

Using ‘Admitir’ in the Past Perfect Subjunctive

The Past Perfect Subjunctive is utilized in Spanish to describe actions or events that were hypothetically completed before another action in the past. For example, “hubiera admitido” translates to “I had admitted”. This tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo” in Spanish.

Yohubiera admitidoI had admitted
hubieras admitidoyou had admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedhubiera admitidos/he had admitted, you (formal) had admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshubiéramos admitidowe had admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshubierais admitidoyou (plural) had admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshubieran admitidothey had admitted, you (plural formal) had admitted

Examples in Context:

  1. Si él hubiera admitido su error, las cosas habrían sido diferentes.
  2. Esperaba que tú hubieras admitido los hechos antes de que fuera demasiado tarde.
  3. Me habría sorprendido si ellos hubieran admitido la verdad desde el principio.

Using “Admitir” in the Subjunctive Future Perfect

The Subjunctive Future Perfect tense is used to describe actions that will have occurred, assuming certain hypothetical situations come to pass in the future. For instance, in Spanish, “hubiere admitido” translates to “I will have admitted.”

In Spanish grammar, this tense is referred to as “El Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”

Yohubiere admitidoI will have admitted
hubieres admitidoyou will have admitted
Ella / Él / Ustedhubiere admitidos/he will have admitted, you (formal) will have admitted
Nosotras / Nosotroshubiéremos admitidowe will have admitted
Vosotras / Vosotroshubiereis admitidoyou (plural) will have admitted
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshubieren admitidothey will have admitted, you (plural formal) will have admitted


  1. Si hubieran hecho su parte, yo ya hubiere admitido los cambios.
  2. Si para entonces ya hubo una solución, tú hubieres admitido tu error.
  3. Hubiéramos resuelto el problema si ella hubiere admitido su culpa.

Instructional Commands in Spanish - Using “Admitir” in Affirmative

The Affirmative Imperative in Spanish is utilized to issue commands or set instructions, prompting someone to take action. An example is “admita,” which translates to “admit!” when addressing someone formally.

In Spanish, this form is known as “El Imperativo Afirmativo.”

admite(to you) admit!
Ella / Él / Ustedadmita(to you formal) admit!
Nosotras / Nosotrosadmitamoslet’s admit!
Vosotras / Vosotrosadmitid(to you plural) admit!
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesadmitan(to you plural formal) admit!

Usage Examples:

  1. Admite tus errores para poder mejorar en el futuro.
  2. Admita que la solución fue complicada antes de intentar otra.
  3. Por favor, admitamos que necesitamos ayuda antes de continuar.

Admitir in the Negative Commands Form

The Negative Imperative is used in Spanish to instruct someone not to perform an action. It is a way of giving a command or making a request in a negative manner. For example, “no admitas” translates to “(you) don’t admit!” in English.

Below is the Negative Imperative conjugation of “admitir” in Spanish.

Subject PronounSpanishEnglish
no admitas(you) don’t admit!
Ella / Él / Ustedno admita(you formal) don’t admit!
Nosotras / Nosotrosno admitamoslet’s not admit!
Vosotras / Vosotrosno admitáis(you all) don’t admit!
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesno admitan(you all formal) don’t admit!

Examples in Spanish:

  1. No admitas que no te gusta la película todavía.
  2. No admitamos la derrota hasta el final.
  3. No admitan que no les importa el resultado.
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